1. Open Microsoft Outlook: Launch Microsoft Outlook and ensure you are logged into your email account.
  2. Go to “Home” tab: Click on the “Home” tab in the Outlook ribbon.
  3. Click on “Rules” dropdown: In the “Home” tab, you’ll find a “Rules” dropdown in the “Move” group. Click on it.
  4. Select “Manage Rules & Alerts…”: From the dropdown, choose “Manage Rules & Alerts…”
  5. Click “New Rule…”: In the “Rules and Alerts” dialog box, click on “New Rule…” to create a new rule.
  6. Start from a blank rule: Choose “Apply rule on messages I receive” and click “Next.”
  7. Specify conditions for your rule:a. You may want to set conditions to narrow down messages sent to the public group. Click on “From people or public group” to specify the sender or public group.b. After specifying the sender or public group, click “Next.”
  8. Choose what you want to do with the message:a. Check the box for “move it to the specified folder.”b. In the lower box, click on “specified” to select the folder where you want the messages to be moved.c. A dialog box will appear where you can choose the folder. Navigate to or create the folder where you want to move the messages and click “OK.”
  9. Finish rule setup:a. After configuring the rule, click “Next.”b. You can add any exceptions if needed (e.g., exclude specific subjects or words from the rule). If you don’t need exceptions, click “Next” to continue.
  10. Name your rule: Give your rule a name (e.g., “Move Public Group Messages”).
  11. Finalize the rule:a. Review your settings to ensure they are correct.b. You can choose to run the rule on messages already in the inbox by checking “Run this rule now on messages already in ‘Inbox.'”c. Click “Finish” to save the rule.
  12. Apply the rule: In the “Rules and Alerts” dialog box, click “Apply” and then “OK” to apply the rule.

Now, Outlook will automatically move messages sent to the specified public group to the folder you designated. Make sure to periodically check the folder for any messages you want to see.

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